Gene Doucette's Immortal Winner

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Timestamp: 2012-05-11 16:56:40 UTC

That makes the winner Angie! Congratulations! I'll send you an email and give the publisher your email address to download your free copy of Gene Doucette's Immortal.

Thanks to all who participated

Immortal by Gene Doucette

For most people, the idea of being immortal seems like the opportunity of a lifetime. Who would not like to run around and amass knowledge from different cultures, experience the making of the world as we know it, and basically get to do what ever it is you want to without fear or concern for the future?

Immortal, by Gene Doucette, provides a glimpse into this type of life with Adam, a interesting main character with a sometimes witty, sometimes insightful, sometimes drunken perspective on the world around him. He struggles with a variety of different characters, both real and “magical,” as well as what most might consider a drinking problem. Adam is a unique character with a unique voice that keep the reader consistently hungry for more adventure.

My honest option? You are probably going to want to read this one. If you like a book that creates a few laughs, this one this one will work. If you like drama that keeps you on the edge of your seat, this one will work. It isn’t every day that you find a book that stands out from the rest. For me, this was unlike any other book that I’ve read and you know me; I’ve read a lot. Check to the right for a link to the book at Amazon.

One reader will receive a free copy of Gene Doucette’s Immortal. Of course, in order to participate, you have to do a little work. What would you do if you were immortal? In other words, what would you do with 60,000 years if you weren't worried about aging? And, let the crazy stories and ideas begin. 

Leave your idea in the comments below along with your email address. If you don’t feel comfortable leaving your email you can always write your comment and send your email address to me via frugalfamilyexaminer (@) gmail (.) com.

The winner will be chosen on Friday so what are you waiting for? 

As a side note:

·      This isn’t going to be one for the kiddos. I’d leave this one to the grown ups only because of a few F-bombs and its got a few sexual elements. Apparently iffrits just can’t help themselves.
·      I received a copy of this book from The Writer’s Coffee Shop via NetGalley. I was not paid for writing the review. It was just a great opportunity to sample another author’s work and share it with you. J