Bold as Love: What Can Happen When We See People the Way God Does by Bob Roberts, Jr.

I can’t lie. I’m kind of a skeptic at heart. When I see a book that talks about bringing people from different beliefs together, I automatically make some assumptions. However, I was surprised to find that Bob Roberts Jr.’s book, Bold as Love  was anything but a map with multiple routes all leading to heaven. Instead, the book presented a sincere account of one man’s attempt to make changes in his community and throughout the world.

I was impressed with the honesty that the author offered as he described the way that he viewed some of the other members of various religions around him before he started to make changes. He openly admits some of the struggles that his church faced as well as some of the fears that come with stepping out of one’s comfort zone and looking to take a new and different path.

The perspective presented was one that I believe a lot of Christians should consider and take to heart. It cannot hurt to love those around us as God does. It cannot hurt to look at people through God’s eyes as opposed to our own. Despite how uncomfortable it might seem at first, there are rewards to be reaped as the action begins to take off.

The book itself is an easy read; filled with simple prose and sprinkled with stories about the author’s life experiences that show just how far he was willing to go to stand behind what he was trying to achieve. In the end, he didn’t just transform his community or even his fellow church members. He changed himself.

If you are looking for a challenge and want to make a positive impact on your community, strengthen your own beliefs, and take God’s love of others to the next level, this text provides you with a starting point.

This book was given to me by Handlebar Marketing in exchange for my honest review.