The Sky Beneath My Feet by Lisa Samson

Everyone faces those moments when the world feels like it has been turned upside down. For Beth, things really take a turn towards interesting when her husband, Rick decides to take up residence in the shed located in the backyard. While some start to look at him as a saint, she must face the challenges that come with continuing to raise two boys and struggling to make sure that somewhere along the way, she didn’t lose herself and her identity.  

If nothing else, the idea of a woman struggling with her husband moving out to the shed intrigued me. But after reading the book, I must admit that it was so much more than I expected. I could not help but laugh out loud at some of Beth’s internal dialogue and even though my husband isn’t the Men’s Pastor at church and we don’t have teenagers, I could sympathize with her struggles. She is a likeable and relatable character that keeps the story moving at the perfect pace.

The book was in no way predictable and doesn’t end up in a cliché. When I turned the last page, I was left feeling more inspired than anything else. Stuff happens and each person needs to decide how he or she will deal with it. This is definitely one that I would recommend to anyone looking for an easy, yet interesting read.

Booksneeze presented me with a complementary copy of this book for my review.

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