Seriously - Never Worked a Day in Her Life?

Okay, you know that I am not interested in turning my blog into any type of political platform. I just want to write, review books, and be funny. However, I just can't let this one go.

Just updated my Facebook status and I figured I better post it here as well:

Hey Hillary Rosen, there is a reason I chose to stay home with my kids. Reason number one? So they do not grow up and end up like you.

Are you freaking kidding me?

And as a side note: Mom - Thanks for all that you did to stay home with me. You have left a legacy that I hope I am carrying on to my kids. You worked every day really hard. Sometimes you got paid for it and other times you did not. Either way, thanks for giving up part of yourself and the opportunity at a career to stay home with us.

And by the way - I hope that you are now enjoying the fact that you stayed home with us and now still enjoy the luxury of an amazing career. Apparently you can bake your cake and eat it too.

Okay, that's all. I am putting the soapbox away.

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